Home News Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion despite recent token theft

Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion despite recent token theft

by Selmer Harvey

Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion despite recent token theft

Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion no matter most up-to-date token theft

Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion no matter most up-to-date token theft Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion no matter most up-to-date token theft

Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion no matter most up-to-date token theft

Polyhedra has eyes on bridging the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems.

Zero Knowledge protocol Polyhedra Network valued at $1 billion no matter most up-to-date token theft

Veil art/illustration through CryptoSlate. Image involves combined divulge which can embody AI-generated divulge.

Polyhedra Network, the zero-recordsdata protocol zkBridge developer, grew to alter into essentially the most up-to-date crypto company to achieve unicorn location after it raised $20 million in a funding round that valued it at $1 billion, in accordance with a Mar. 14 observation shared with CryptoSlate.

This model occurred decrease than a day after the project skilled a breach that allowed a malicious participant to access its wallet on BNB Chain, ensuing in the loss of approximately $760,000 price of THENA tokens, in accordance to blockchain security firm Peckshield.

Polychain leads funding round.

The funding round used to be spearheaded by Polychain Capital, with contributions from Animoca Manufacturers, Emirates Consortium, Mapleblock Capital, and Hashkey Capital. Other notable backers embody UoB Ventures, Symbolic Capital, Longhash Ventures, MH Ventures, Arkstream Capital, and Web3Port Foundation.

Polyhedra intends to own essentially the most of its most up-to-date funding injection to magnify its team and solidify its space as a number one advocate for global interoperability through zero-recordsdata methodologies.

Polyhedra’s zkBridge has emerged as a renowned zero-recordsdata blockchain interoperability resolution in the previous year, facilitating over 20 million imperfect-chain transactions across 25 blockchains.

Connecting Bitcoin and Ethereum

Meanwhile, the Singapore-based mostly mostly firm Polyhedra Network moreover revealed its heroic belief to establish an interoperability protocol bridging the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems. This endeavor is deemed anxious attributable to Bitcoin’s lack of orderly contract capabilities.

Nonetheless, the project remains unfazed, with Eric Vreeland, the Chief Formula Officer at Polyhedra Network, saying Zero-recordsdata expertise can be pivotal in unleashing the fleshy doable of blockchain. He added:

“Blockchain expertise is modern due to it permits for folk and institutions to transact with out a depended on middleman. As blockchain usage continues to grow, expertise that enables salvage and extremely scalable computation across more than one networks is known as a necessity. Unlocking this with out introducing extra trust assumptions is serious if we are to quit true to the values this industry used to be founded on.”

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Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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