Home News Web3 Foundation launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM upgrade

Web3 Foundation launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM upgrade

by Lukas Metz

Web3 Foundation launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM upgrade

Web3 Basis launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM enhance

Web3 Basis launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM enhance Web3 Basis launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM enhance

Web3 Basis launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM enhance

Web3 Basis mentioned its initiative is designed to foster innovation throughout the Polkadot ecosystem.

Web3 Basis launches $65 million prize pool for Polkadot JAM enhance

Quilt artwork/illustration through CryptoSlate. Image entails mixed say material that would moreover simply encompass AI-generated say material.

The Web3 Basis has launched a prize pool of 10 million DOT tokens, much like roughly $65 million, to toughen the implementation of the highly anticipated Join-Salvage Machine (JAM) enhance to the Polkadot’s ecosystem.

On Could presumably 27, Polkadot’s founder, Gavin Wood, printed that the venture’s community had ratified the proposed enhance with a approach-unanimous governance vote.

JAM Implementers’ Prize

The Basis mentioned its initiative targets to foster innovation and enhance the Polkadot ecosystem through diverse implementations of the JAM protocol, thereby increasing the network resilience.

The prize encourages the introduction of JAM implementations in an excellent deal of programming languages, at the side of OCaml, Drag, and Zig.

To qualify, members must meet particular milestones much like importing and producing blocks, achieving efficiency standards on Kusama and Polkadot, and passing security audits.

The initiative is designed to manufacture certain the come of a decentralized network able to handling an excellent deal of computational tasks.

Web3 Basis mentioned:

“JAM is an evolutionary, minimalist blockchain protocol designed to enhance details administration and interoperability throughout the network. This will make certain Polkadot continues to give the main typical by formulation of the safety, flexibility, and scalability of blockspace.”

Furthermore, the enhance introduces revolutionary scalability to the consensus layer, previously achievable only through rollups. This innovation eliminates the need for builders to decide between appchains and impartial contracts.

The muse mentioned that JAM offers a versatile ambiance for guaranteeing Layer 2 (L2) scalability with out relying on roll-up alternatives and assembly the numerous needs of any software. It added that the true community toughen for JAM indicates a readiness to embrace decentralized innovation whereas asserting excessive standards.

Even supposing the timeline for the enhance is currently unknown, the implementation will proceed through five steps, at the side of importation, authoring, tempo tests, and security audits.

Disclaimer: CryptoSlate has acquired a grant from the Polkadot Basis to receive say material about the Polkadot ecosystem. While the Basis supports our coverage, we abet fat editorial independence and withhold an eye on over the say material we post.

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Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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