Home News Top 4 accounting firm turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based business contracts

Top 4 accounting firm turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based business contracts

by Garth Nicolas

Top 4 accounting firm turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based business contracts

High 4 accounting agency turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based enterprise contracts

High 4 accounting agency turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based enterprise contracts High 4 accounting agency turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based enterprise contracts

High 4 accounting agency turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based enterprise contracts

OCM is designed to facilitate the right handling of enterprise contracts on a public blockchain, ensuring privacy by utilizing zero-info proofs to lift contract integrity and confidentiality.

High 4 accounting agency turns to Ethereum for blockchain-based enterprise contracts

Hide artwork/illustration thru CryptoSlate. Image includes combined impart that would fair consist of AI-generated impart.

Mammoth Four accounting agency Ernst & Young (EY)  unveiled its new service for managing enterprise contracts thru blockchain expertise called OpsChain Contract Supervisor (OCM) on April 17.

The software is designed to encourage watch over advanced, multi-occasion enterprise agreements with enhanced security and privacy thru blockchain expertise. The service is currently operating on the Polygon proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain and is slated for a future upgrade to the Ethereum mainnet.


OCM is designed to facilitate the right handling of enterprise contracts on a public blockchain, ensuring privacy by utilizing zero-info proofs to lift contract integrity and confidentiality whereas moreover enhancing time efficiency and reducing charges.

It integrates with existing enterprise systems thru a standardized API and supports diverse contract varieties, including volume aquire agreements and worth units counting on market info feeds.

Whereas the service is currently promoted as working on Ethereum, it in reality utilizes Polygon PoS to capitalize on the decrease transaction prices which might per chance be dazzling to EY’s industrial consumer wicked, in step with a document by the Block.

Paul Brody, the head of EY’s blockchain division since 2016, mentioned Nightfall — the expertise in the back of the service — originated on Ethereum and has been tested on its test network. The impending update will transition Nightfall to Ethereum’s mainnet and might per chance well per chance consist of a Layer-3 upgrade to toughen scalability and functionality.

Advantages of public blockchains

Brody moreover commented on the operational advantages of the OCM, noting that contract automation can vastly minimize cycle cases and administration charges.

He emphasized the scalability and neutrality advantages of deploying on a public blockchain, which prevents any single occasion from controlling the network. Brody also eminent that the capability forward for company blockchain suggestions is extra and extra leaning in direction of public blockchains, as they offer superior privacy and transparency when in contrast with private blockchains.

The growth comes in the wake of elevated blockchain adoption by main financial players. Particularly, BlackRock these days launched a tokenized fund on Ethereum, marking a predominant step in direction of institutional engagement with blockchain technologies.

With the introduction of OpsChain Contract Supervisor, EY targets to toughen how enterprises arrange contracts, enhancing job efficiency and transparency thru blockchain expertise. The initiative positions EY as a pioneer in integrating blockchain into dilapidated enterprise practices, atmosphere a benchmark for the alternate’s slump in direction of embracing this expertise in routine operations.

Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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