Home News Pump.fun halts trading after suffering flash loan exploit

Pump.fun halts trading after suffering flash loan exploit

by Savion Marquardt

Pump.fun halts trading after suffering flash loan exploit

Pump.fun halts shopping and selling after struggling flash mortgage exploit

Pump.fun halts shopping and selling after struggling flash mortgage exploit Pump.fun halts shopping and selling after struggling flash mortgage exploit

Pump.fun halts shopping and selling after struggling flash mortgage exploit

The hacker stole roughly 12,000 SOL — connected to roughly $2 million.

Pump.fun halts shopping and selling after struggling flash mortgage exploit

Cloak artwork/illustration by capability of CryptoSlate. Characterize involves blended state material that can consist of AI-generated state material.

Solana-primarily based DeFi memecoin platform Pump.fun experienced a most primary breach on Could per chance per chance 16 when an exploiter it sounds as if utilized flash loans to manipulate the platform’s bonding curve contracts.

The platform has since paused all shopping and selling activities.

In a commentary on social media, Pump.fun acknowledged the exploit and warranted customers that the platform is investigating the topic. The crew wrote:

“We have upgraded the contracts so the attacker cannot siphon to any extent additional funds. The TVL within the protocol factual now's safe. We’ve paused shopping and selling — you cannot purchase and sell any money for the time being. Any money which is also at this time all thru of migrating to Raydium cannot be traded and ought to no longer be migrating for an indefinite timeframe.”

Enterprise experts, including Wintermute head of research Igor Igamberdiev, instantaneous that a key had been compromised, raising the replacement of an interior job. He estimated the loss to be a minimal of 12,000 SOL, connected to roughly $2 million.

An memoir on X, identified as STACCoveflow, claimed responsibility for the assault rapidly after the exploit broke within the news. Stacc hinted at a bigger motive of their posts, pointing out:

“I’m about to commerce the course of historical past.”

He implied that he didn't intend to withhold the stolen funds but planned to redistribute the “last balances of bonding curves” to sure token customers. The accurate technique Stacc historical to present the assault stays unclear, and it is unknown if the balances are indeed being distributed to other customers.

The memoir allegedly belongs to a doxxed developer who beforehand labored on Pump.fun. Additionally, several accounts claimed that Stacc had airdropped the stolen SOL to holders of 4 assorted money.

Nonetheless, CryptoSlate modified into unable to ascertain the claims on social media as of press time.

Posted In: Solana, Crime, DeFi, Hacks, Skills

Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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