Home News Gala Games exploited for $200 million

Gala Games exploited for $200 million

by Garth Nicolas

Gala Games exploited for $200 million

Gala Video games exploited for $200 million

Gala Video games exploited for $200 million Gala Video games exploited for $200 million

Gala Video games exploited for $200 million

Over 5 billion GALA tokens were minted in some unspecified time in the future of the hack or insider theft.

Gala Video games exploited for $200 million

Quilt art/illustration by the exercise of CryptoSlate. Image entails mixed speak material which also can fair consist of AI-generated speak material.

An unknown attacker exploited the blockchain gaming project Gala Video games on Could well even 20 for approximately $200 million, constant with stories.

Solidity developer 0xquit said the attacker minted 5 billion GALA tokens via an admin address, noting that an external hacker or rogue address proprietor will seemingly be to blame.

0xquit acknowledged that the attacker can mint 12 billion more tokens sooner than reaching a cap. On the opposite hand, the exploited address is blocklisted, that means that the attacker must rep salvage admission to to a different admin address sooner than stealing or minting more tokens.

The relevant transaction is reflected on Etherscan. Gala Video games has now no longer yet commented.

Label down

Molly White of Web3 Is Going Huge argued that the staunch price of the attack is lower, as the attacker easiest swapped $21 million payment of GALA tokens to ETH sooner than the address changed into once frozen.

White added that the attacker cannot sell the tokens without severely impacting the associated fee.

The latest incident has corresponded with rapid losses for the GALA token. The associated fee fell from $0.048 to $0.038 in lower than two hours, marking a tumble of more than 20%.

On the opposite hand, GALA’s imprint has since in part recovered to $0.043 as of 12:04 am UTC.

Past incidents

Gala Video games changed into once previously exploited in a November 2021 incident that resulted in a lack of $130 million. Later, in 2023, the company founders entered a apt dispute as co-founder Eric Schiermeyer alleged that fellow co-founder Wright Thurston performed the theft.

Gala Video games additionally experienced a $1 billion exploit in November 2023, performed by white hat hackers. Though the funds remained rep on the time, the incident ended in dispute and impacted GALA costs.

The GALA token remains among the 70 largest crypto tokens by market cap, with a provide payment $1.56 billion, despite its a form of controversies.

Mentioned in this article
Posted In: Gaming, Hacks

Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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