Home News Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in revenue, hits $3 billion market cap

Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in revenue, hits $3 billion market cap

by Federico Baumbach

Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in revenue, hits $3 billion market cap

Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in income, hits $3 billion market cap

Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in income, hits $3 billion market cap Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in income, hits $3 billion market cap

Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in income, hits $3 billion market cap

Ethena USDe is the quickest-rising USD-pegged asset in crypto historical previous.

Ethena USDe overtakes Solana in income, hits $3 billion market cap

Quilt art work/illustration by capability of CryptoSlate. Characterize entails blended drawl that also can embody AI-generated drawl.

Ethena Labs’ USDe, a synthetic buck stablecoin, has garnered essential neighborhood adoption, propelling it to change into the fourth-ideal stablecoin by market capitalization.

This achievement comes at a significant juncture, because the stablecoin surpassed your total Solana blockchain in income generation within the previous week.

USDe provide crosses $3 billion

In step with recordsdata from CryptoSlate, the provision of the USDe stablecoin has surpassed $3 billion four months after its public delivery in February. This unparalleled declare charge makes USDe the quickest-rising USD-pegged asset in crypto historical previous. Its market capitalization now exceeds the Binance-favored FDUSD stablecoin and trails within the back of MakerDAO’s DAI.

Particularly, USDe’s market cap has exceeded the blended ticket of all stablecoins on the Solana blockchain. Records from DeFillama indicates that the posthaste rising USDe at the moment accounts for roughly 2% of the general stablecoin market fragment.

Speaking on this milestone, DeFi analyst Patrick Scott talked about the purpose of hobby would be on whether or no longer USDe can maintain this declare, make deep liquidity, and extra integrate into the DeFi ecosystem.

USDe’s exponential declare can also also be attributed to its excessive yield charge of over 30% and adoption by vital crypto initiatives admire MakerDAO and the Bybit alternate. Nonetheless, some market specialists comprise criticized USDe’s incorporation of Bitcoin as a backing asset for its synthetic buck, expressing concerns about capability contagion threat for the broader market.

Revenue generation

All the arrangement during the previous week, Ethena’s USDe emerged because the top doubtless-incomes decentralized utility (DApp), producing an spectacular $7 million in income. This figure surpasses Solana’s $6.3 million income in the end of the an identical duration.

Particularly, the Token Terminal recordsdata shared by Ethena founder Guy Younger on X showed that entirely Tron and Ethereum outperformed the DApp’s income generation.

Ethena USDe income generation
Crypto initiatives income generation (Source: X/Leptokurtic_)

This unparalleled achievement lends credence to the prediction made by Token Terminal that Ethena is heading within the correct route to generate a staggering $222.5 million in income over the next three hundred and sixty five days.

José Maria Macedo, the CEO of Delphi Labs, acknowledged that Ethena Labs is poised to change into the top doubtless income-producing crypto venture within the market. He talked about:

“USDe will change into the biggest stablecoin outdoor of USDC/USDT in 2024. Ethena will change into the top doubtless income-producing venture in all of crypto.”

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Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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