Home News ENS enters partnership with domain giant GoDaddy to link DNS with .eth names

ENS enters partnership with domain giant GoDaddy to link DNS with .eth names

by Thaddeus Lemke
ENS enters partnership with domain giant GoDaddy to link DNS with .eth names

ENS enters partnership with domain giant GoDaddy to link DNS with .eth names

GoDaddy Inc., a main domain registration and internet internet hosting company, has partnered with Ethereum Title Provider (ENS) to facilitate connecting long-established domains with blockchain-primarily based entirely mostly .eth names.

The collaboration became announced in a commentary on Feb. 5. It aims to enable the seamless connection of the Domain Title Map (DNS) with blockchain technology, enabling over 20 million GoDaddy customers to get entry to the benefits of ENS infrastructure without incurring extra costs or requiring technical abilities.

Paul Nicks, GoDaddy’s president of domains, said the collaboration is a merger of domain and blockchain technologies that can enable domain customers to search out the latter’s benefits without extra costs. He added:

“We’re not simply linking domains to blockchain addresses; we’re developing a bridge between two generations of internet technology. This collaboration ensures that our customers can revel in the most efficient of every worlds with minimal friction.”

The partnership represents an effort to mix Web2 and Web3 ecosystems, benefiting customers all over every platforms, in line with the clicking free up.

Bridging Web2 and Web3

ENS, the main naming protocol in the cryptocurrency home, enables customers to change complex Ethereum addresses with human-readable names, corresponding to how DNS interprets numeric IP addresses into memorable domains.

The collaboration seeks to merge the reliability of DNS with the innovation of blockchain technology, simplifying user interactions with internet domains. It also addresses barriers much like high gas bills and technical challenges that beforehand deterred domain title linkage to the Ethereum blockchain.

ENS has launched serene dapper contracts to facilitate a price-free route of for DNS to ENS linking, enhancing user adjust over decentralized identities and simplifying online asset management. The partnership also signals a increasing interest in merging blockchain with long-established technologies, aiming for broader adoption and functionality of blockchain in mainstream applications.

ENS founder Cut Johnson said the partnership has the seemingly to leverage the strengths of every legacy and blockchain technologies. Johnson added:

“By laying aside the technical barriers and price concerns, we’re opening up an world of probabilities for domain owners to search out the benefits of blockchain technology. This is set larger than simply linking domains; it’s about paving the manner for a decentralized, user-centric internet”

Ravishing dispute

The deal comes amid an ongoing shining dispute between GoDaddy and ENS, which facilities all over the “eth.link” domain.

Correct Names Ltd., the nonprofit in the support of ENS, alongside with Virgil Griffith, filed a lawsuit against GoDaddy. The lawsuit alleges that GoDaddy violated an settlement to “admire, acknowledge, and defend” the eth.link domain title. Correct Names is seeking a minimal of $75,000 in damages as per the criticism.

In accordance to the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, the eth.link registration became region to expire on July 26, 2023. Alternatively, there became a dispute relating to the domain’s expiration and subsequent sale.

GoDaddy had indicated that the domain title can be readily accessible for purchase again on September 5, 2022, nevertheless it became sold to a third occasion — crypto startup Manifold Finance — before this date.

ENS regained adjust of the eth.link domain after a success an injunction against GoDaddy, showcasing the ongoing shining and operational challenges between the two firms. Alternatively, the dispute is restful ongoing in court.

Source credit : cryptoslate.com

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